About the Journal

The Revista Científica Noesis is an academic journal of continuous publication, dedicated to disseminating innovative and high-quality research in education and social sciences. Since its founding, Noesis has sought to share knowledge, experiences, and discoveries that contribute to advancing knowledge and practice in these disciplines. With a firm commitment to excellence and academic integrity, Noesis provides a platform for original articles, critical reviews, case studies, and theoretical essays addressing a wide range of relevant and current topics. Its main objective is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and provide a comprehensive and critical view of education and social sciences challenges and opportunities.

This journal is edited in the city of Caracas-Venezuela, in the Libertador Municipality,
Parroquia Santa Teresa, Lecuna Av. Cipreses a Hoyo, Edif. Berret. 8th floor, office. 8-B
Caracas, Venezuela, Postal Code: 1012. Complying with a rigorous process of blind peer review and selection by experts in the professional areas.

The technical services and platform are managed in the city of Quito-Ecuador, Mitad del Mundo H Street and C Street. Conjunto Villas Anton, House 62. San Antonio. Complying with professional standards of layout, web services and monitoring and international competitiveness.


- To disseminate new knowledge, always preserving a high level of quality, and a high level of research on various topics of scientific and global multidisciplinary work, the result of creation, research, criticism, and intellectual confrontation to make visible the knowledge to which the undergraduate and graduate professional formation in our Latin American Universities is committed.
- To allow self-evaluation and continuous improvement of the communicative competencies of Latin American scientific academic work.
- To welcome reflections on problems of public and social interest that comply with scientific rigor, as a fundamental contribution of our projection and social and academic commitment.
- To impact socio-culturally and scientifically the environment by encouraging the participation of teachers and researchers of the local, regional, national, and international academic community through the publication of scientific articles on various topics.

By 2021, the Minerva Scientific Journal will be recognized internationally as a journal with the highest standards for scientific publications and as a high-level and high-impact medium for disseminating and disseminating knowledge due to its scientific basis, flexibility, and academic richness. In addition, for the diversity and flexibility of its publications, relevance and timeliness, support of educational and research work, and dissemination of the latest developments and advances in scientific endeavor.

1. To disseminate the research results inside and outside Ecuador.
2. To contribute to the confrontation and dissemination of knowledge and enable the exchange between peers from different universities and research institutes.
3. Contribute to the construction of scientific knowledge.
4. To stimulate critical reflection on theories, perspectives, and problems in the areas indicated.

The Minerva Journal of Scientific Research covers the following disciplines
- Social Sciences and Education Sciences

Noesis is a journal with national and international coverage that publishes articles in Social Sciences and Education Sciences. With all publications complying with the peer review process and meeting ethical and quality criteria.
It is a publication edited by AutanaBooks and is oriented to academics, researchers, scientists, students, business people, and entrepreneurs interested in disseminating their scientific productions. It has open access to electronic versions at https://noesis.autanabooks.com/index.php/noesis. All the contents published in the Journal are open-access and do not require any payment for consultation. More information is available at www.autanabooks.com.
In Noesis Journal, you can find articles in Spanish and English, being allowed articles on Social Sciences and Education Sciences, scientific research, case reports, letters to the editor, articles of reflection derived from analysis, essays, and scientific papers, book chapter, among others. The administration of an article is done in the Open Journal System publication management platform.

Types of contributions:
Scientific research articles: these are products of Degree Works (Specialization, Master's, and Doctorate) or research in the university and industrial field, whether experimental or non-experimental and must represent a technological contribution to the resolution of specific problems in the industrial sector.
Technical Notes are those contributions to inform news and advances in the Journal's specialties.
Scientific articles must be the result of either bibliographic or experimental research work in which results have been obtained and discussed and conclusions reached with a significant contribution in some area of scientific interest.
Essays: must be the result of a personal analysis made by the author on a specific topic (historical, scientific, artistic, technical, among others), where the subjective predominates and where a personal criterion is presented, but with foundation and argumentation.

Reflection articles derived from the research: these are contributions that expose the result of research, but in them, the author's subjective criterion, analysis, and reflection on the results predominate.
Case reports are a medical contribution that shows the clinical experience of a particular case, where descriptive, detailed information is presented, which serves as a teaching tool for the medical and scientific community.
Book chapters: the publication of book chapters with a maximum length of 35 pages will be considered, and no more than one chapter per author may be published. The book chapter must be within the interests of the Revista Minerva and go through the peer-review process.

Authors must submit their products through the OJS platform and will be informed promptly of the dates for their submission.
In principle, the area of study, subject matter, format, and finance of the article will be taken into account, notifying the authors of the following:
That the article has passed to the peer review stage, which is external to the scientific committee of the Journal, considered experts in the article's study area, this process will last ten calendar days, is open, and thinks the evaluation form in the OJS platform. This evaluation will be in double-blind mode for author(s) and evaluators, i.e., the evaluators will receive the article without the author's identity and any other data referring to them. The authors will receive the observations without the evaluators' data. If there is no coherence between the evaluations, a third evaluation will be considered, complying with the blind standard. The evaluators will perform their work under the criteria of confidentiality and impartiality.
The article is rejected for not being of interest to the Journal or for presenting a format not established by the Journal.
Once the article has been evaluated, the authors will be notified:

1.- The article presents minor revisions that can be improved for its subsequent publication. Likewise, the author/s will have 15 calendar days to return the paper with the suggested corrections and a letter stating the modifications made.

The editorial committee evaluates whether the observations made have been complied with and sends it again to the peer review if it considers it pertinent. The publication decision will be subject to the agreement of the peer reviewer and the editorial committee, considering the observations made previously. In the case of disagreement with the peer reviewers' evaluations, the authors should send a letter of explanation justifying their position on the comments. The Journal reserves the right to edit the texts without changing the meaning of the article.

In cases where the article is already accepted, the authors must sign a declaration of originality and authorization of the rights of publication and reproduction of the same and the inclusion in databases, web pages, or electronic pages, national or international (Review: Declaration of Originality Formats and Norms for authors). All the content of the articles, including texts, tables, figures, and information in general, is included in the material to be published under the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Likewise, the article is the responsibility of its authors and does not necessarily reflect the thinking of the editorial committee.

The article cannot be published because the modifications are too extensive or unsuitable for the Journal.

Noesis Journal does not charge for publishing articles.


Noesis Journal, will be published continuously. Articles will be received throughout the year. Special calls for papers will be published on the journal's website.

The Noesis Journal follows the Code of Ethics and Best Practices for editors of scientific journals, as established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at http://publicationethics.org/. Considering what is established by COPE, the Journal is committed to meeting the scientific quality of its publications and to the appropriate treatment of the demands of its readers, authors, and evaluators.

Authors must include, in addition to the article submitted to the Journal, a Declaration of Originality and Declaration of Conflict of Interest Form. In addition, at the end of the article, after the conclusions, a paragraph specifying this declaration and the source of funding for the research that gave rise to the paper should be included on the article's first page.

Authors interested in publishing in Noesis Journal must cite the data sources used, figures, and all information explicitly and clearly. It is always taking into account the Journal's citation norms. Furthermore, authors must guarantee the originality of the articles, and the Journal will review these works to avoid bad publication practices such as duplicity, plagiarism, or self-plagiarism. The Plagiarism Checker software will be used to evaluate the originality percentage, considering that for a paper to be considered original, it should not exceed 20% of content contributed by other authors or its own. If the article presents originality irregularities, it will be rejected for publication.