Ethical considerations


Noesis Journal in Education and Social Sciences takes as a Code of Ethics and Good Practices for scientific journal editors what the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) established on its pages COPE Guidelines and Guidelines on Good Publication Practice. Therefore, considering what is established by COPE, the journal undertakes to attend to the scientific quality of the publications and appropriately treat the demands of its readers, authors, and reviewers.


General references

Regarding the detection of plagiarism, Noesis Journal will use iThenticate software to check for originality, plagiarism, and duplication.

About scientific work

The research papers presented must be governed by the technical, scientific, and ethical characteristics for their development. In addition, the authors undertake to submit supporting documents that validate the ethical conduct of the research if requested. In the required cases, the works must be endorsed by the respective ethics committee of the academic institutions duly constituted and certified by the institutions that support it.

Literary fatherhood

The authors must respect the ethical participation in the integration of the research, with the individual peculiarities of each one in the process of preparing the manuscript. The honest approach to the study includes the appropriate selection of the authors. Therefore, authors who have not participated in the research should not be included.

Conflicts of interest

Authors must supply the article and also include a letter of Declaration of Originality and Declaration of Conflict of Interest (URL: In addition, in the last paragraph of the article, these statements must be specified after the conclusions.

Peer Review

Peer review must comply with the confidentiality of all those involved and will be required by all selected evaluators or reviewers of the manuscript. The reviewers and editors will be prohibited from disclosing information about the authors, be it affiliation, email, or related data, as well as unpublished scientific statements that the authors have not expressly authorized. In addition, the editors and reviewers must adequately report and, with the appropriate discretion, the ethical doubts that the manuscripts may have, maintaining objectivity, clarity of content, and courtesy rules in writing opinions and comments.

Plagiarism and duplication

All submitted manuscripts must comply with the ethical standards of research and scientific writing, so all works used as sources of information must be cited appropriately, respecting what was stated by the original authors. Duplication of material will not be allowed, nor will the sending of the same article for other journals, events, or any other type of publication.

Editorial responsibility

The people responsible for the editorial process are tacitly committed to complying with the confidentiality of the review and publication process. Likewise, they undertake that publication decisions are made exclusively considering aspects related to the regulations of the journal, as well as the characteristics of the scientific research proposed, the writing, and other details of the manuscript.

In bad practice

The people involved in the editorial and publication process undertake to maintain ethical conduct and good intentions at all times, evidencing good professional, scientific, and technical practice. Likewise, they will ensure compliance with the appropriate behaviors in the works presented.